π»Development Journal
Get a sneak peek at what's happening behind the scenes!
December 17th to 24th
Gamification coded up. You'll be earning points while navigating the app, very soon.
Bestfarms history is now working properly
Added carousel for our watchlist - so we can showcase more than 4 tokens
Started (and at a very good point) development of Blur Loans app. This will give so much alpha that we can't leave it open since the start.
Queued 3 new projects in development, including the staking platform (!)
Set-up our space at Galxe, now running a test campaign
December 12th, 13th, 16th 2024
Probably started one of the BEST features so far...
Started coding up GAMIFICATION of the platform. Soon, each action will give you points. What do we do with points, we don't know yet. Just be sure to have many.
Frontend developer is ill and slowed down these days :,)
Worked on bestfarms backend to be able to have history
December 9th, 10th, 11th 2024
During the weekend our Amazon server got shut down for security reasons. Spent almost one day to get data and config back up...
Noticed that some past data was not correct. Hence worked to be able to:
Hide data
Delete data
Fix merging among data
Finally fixed dex data in home! :)
Finally finished deleting past data - soon to be live. This should speed up by 2x the app.
Bestfarm history backend and frontend into testing - should be ready by the end of the week.
Minor UI/UX fixing both PE/Bestfarms
December 4th, 5th, 6th 2024
Two products out in a rush. In order to improve them and increase scalability, we took 3 full days to make things better, frontend, backend and architecture wise.
Some of the stuff accomplished?
Merging of data now works perfectly. We'll be able to integrate more tokens and more data source in the near future
"On our watchlist" working properly.
Feedback field added on P/E
Worked on history of BestFarms
Improved consistency, design and user experience of the entire platform
Brainstormed on next product to be released
Added twitter share functionality
Worked on keeping only relevant past observations, to improve scalability and speed
... A bug that merges wrong tokens still persists, but we finally found out why. Should be solved tomorrow / tonight.
December 3rd 2024
Improvement in design and usability P/E and Bestfarms
Rework on database architecture for P/E
Insert google tracking and SEO
December 2nd 2024 + weekend
Every product will have "what we look at" updated with the top protocols / projects / assets we believe in.
We started doing this for the P/E dashboard, still creating some minor issues (like reporting wrong PE data - lol), will be fixed tomorrow.
Created documentation for managing the platform as super-user
Polished stuff / bugfixing
Found and worked on an error that still persists in P/E dashboard (token without gecko-id). Should be fixed tomorrow.
Added filters and improved performances on bestfarms
Scaled up the server to be able to manage more traffic simultaneously
Here's the new section! Will be fixed tomorrow, and constantly updated overtime.
November 29th 2024
BestFarming is online!
Worked on saving historical Farming data
Correction of tokens, feedback and rev info available for PE on main. That's pretty big, we can now add more tokens even if they lack information.
November 28th 2024
Worked on transition from dev to live server. Found a couple of frontend improvements possible, and couple of backend bugs.
While the platform is already in live, we wait tomorrow for the official announcement
November 27th 2024
Won't spoiler too much today. The whole team focused on getting BestFarming online tomorrow. Still some bugs in calculations, but it will be fixed tomorrow.
November 26th 2024
Fixed single PE frontend. Now back to work :)
Downloaded dex data for home
Create models in order to store more data in home
Minor improvements bestfarms frontend
Started to work on single farm history and statistics
Starting development wallet analyzer
November 25th 2024
MANY improvements in bestfarms, both frontend and backend. We're near to its launch.
Worked on mobile version of the whole app
Fixed last bugs in burn dashboards. Now pretty ready to market them
Added MC/FDV in PE table
Successfully broken single PE frontend.. Gonna fix tomorrow :,)
Pretty nice stable farms uh?
November 22nd 2024
Tested multiple coins add in PE dashboard. It works!
Added Army feedback field and ability to overwrite missing data (eg. description of holder revenue)
Worked on best farms filters
Small improvements PE dashboard /bestfarms (do not show 0,0,0 revenue tokens, fix text above table, improve design, data formatting)
Started working on the mobile version
Started to create design of new fields in PE
November 21st 2024
Finally able to merge data with different keys. Worked with camelot
Created backup/dev copy of database. Now backend dev can try data stuff without destroying live data
Ideated design and functionalities for filters for best farming.
Pretty slow day - but setup the basis for secure and fast development going forward
November 20th 2024
Tried merge Camelot data. Failed. Found a solution. Working on that solution.
Created dev frontend environment (you're curious what we do before pushing? here's the link) so the new frontend developer can break stuff before pushing
Creating frontend for BestFarms. I guess a new product is out soon.
Created a link for each token for easier sharing in PE - example: https://dev-app-army.netlify.app/pe-analysis/raydium
Fixed negative PE sorting
November 19th 2024
Created custom script to download and merge data from dune (dex overview)
Started downloading data of BestFarms
Created documentation for homepage code
Started onboarding a new frontend developer
Still noticing that human reading documentation is faster than GPT. There's still chance for coding.
November 18th 2024
Setup development goals of the week.
List PE dashboard bugs and improvements.
Creation of mockup of HolderAnalyzer (backend already 80%).
Worked on backend of BestFarms (50%).
Fixing burn dashboards minor issues.
Last updated